Charitable Giving
One $1,500 endowment to a graduating Senior of WSHS who demonstrated via a thoughtful essay great hardships as they made it through high school and prepare to go to college. The endowments are to offset continuing education expenses.
$1,500 in assistance to an alumnus who was homeless due to unemployment for a time. The assistance was used to cover car insurance and rent as they got back on their feet.
$2,000 in assistance to a family of a retired teacher at WSHS with a baby suffering from Congenital Heart Disease. The assistance is for medical and transportation expenses.
Provided a wheelchair to an alumnus suffering from severe arthritis.
Medical bill payments for an alumnus on a fixed income.
Fundraising to assist with living expenses for an alumnus struck by a car while walking.
Direct financial assistance (gas and groceries) to a struggling alumni's daughter and grandchildren.
Medical bill payments to an alumnus suffering from lung cancer.
Donation of a Bass Violin to the Spartan Orchestra valued at $2,500.
Two $1,000 endowments to graduating Seniors of WSHS who demonstrated via essays overcoming great hardships. The endowments are to offset continuing education expenses.
Financial assistance and fundraising to a family to assist with funeral expenses for an alumnus who passed from cancer.
Direct financial assistance to a mother of four Spartans to assist with medical bills and groceries.
Direct financial assistance to a WSHS alumnus diagnosed with cancer to assist with medical bills.
Direct financial assistance to a WSHS alumnus whose home was nearly destroyed by Hurricane Harvey.
Three $1,000 endowments to graduating Seniors of WSHS who demonstrated via essays overcoming great hardships. The endowments are to offset continuing education expenses.
Direct financial assistance to a WSHS alumna, wife and mother of two teenage daughters that suffered a stroke.
Funeral expenses to assist a WSHS alumnus after the loss of his mother.
Funeral expenses to assist a WSHS alumnus after the loss of an infant grandchild from Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).
Direct donation of a repaired rowing machine to the WSHS Crew Team.
Firewood delivery to a WSHS alumni’s homebound mother. The son was not available to help his mother locally and asked the Charity to assist in exchange for a modest donation.
Secret Santa who provided for a teenager whose mother (WSHS alumna) was homeless at the time.
Direct financial support for the family of a WSHS alumnus, father and husband who passed away from cancer.
Funeral expenses for the daughter of a WSHS alumnus who drowned.
Direct financial assistance to a grandchild of a WSHS alumni who underwent surgery due to complications from heart disease.
Funeral expenses to assist the family of a recent WSHS graduate who passed away from a violent attack.
Medical expenses for a WSHS graduate suffering from MS.